Ngonye Solar PV plant empowering Zambia
Global Logistics Alliance is known for solar project cargo and we are pleased to announce that another solar photo-voltaic plant has been plugged into the grid.
The Ngonye 34MW Solar plant, located in the sunny province of Lusaka in Zambia, started construction on the 22nd August 2018. This project was partly funded by Zambia’s Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) in efforts to meet its electrification goals using clean, sustainable and reliable power. The 13th March marked the connection of the Ngonye Solar PV Plant, with the plant producing its first KW the following day.
The plant houses 104 580 cells and uses solar photovoltaics to convert sunlight into electricity. It’s not the heat, but rather the sun radiation that is harnessed to separate electrons and create electric currents. The current is then converted and added to the grid.
Global Logistics Alliance is proud to add Ngonye as a milestone to its list of achievements in the renewable projects’ division.